I don't seek the spotlight but the media occasionally takes interest in my work. This is a representative sample of various profiles, interviews, and stories where I've been referenced as well as some published works. Please refer to the contact page for media enquiries.
- Anthony Bourdain: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations
- The Atlantic: How Lebanon Transformed Anthony Bourdain
- John W. Little na Blogs of war: Ukrajina možno padne, ale Rusko už prehralo (Ukraine may fall, but Russia has already lost)
- Motherboard (Vice): The Bots That Are Changing Politics
- BBC: Who's at the Controls of Iran's Bot Army?
- International Business Times: Iraq Crisis: ISIS Comes up with Solutions to Hoodwink Twitter
- LifeHacker: I'm Warren Ellis, and This Is How I Work
- NPR: Korva Coleman's Media Habits
- PBS NewsHour: Is Social Media a Weapon in Modern Warfare?
- Business Insider: TV Chef Anthony Bourdain Sums Up The Problems In Gaza Better Than Most Diplomats
- Propaganda Efektif ISIS di Jejaring Sosial (The Effect of ISIS Propaganda in Social Networks)
- ABC (Sunday Extra): The Terror of Social Media
- CBC (The Current): How ISIS is Using Social Media to Spread its Message
- CBC: ISIS Inserts Disturbing Images Into N.L. Vote Twitter Chatter
- CBS News: Jihadists on the Move in Iraq with Weapons, Hashtags
- Time Magazine: The 140 Best Twitter Feeds of 2014
- Fast Company: Massive Egyptian Protests Powered by Youtube, Twitter, Facebook
- The New York Times: Tapes Answer Doubts on Confrontation With Iran
- The Weekly Standard: On Notice
- Information Week: Bloggers Rail Against Proposed N.Y. iPod Fine
- Slate: Tripoli Threat
- Crikey: How the FBI Hacked Users of Tor, the ‘Secret Internet’
- Dagbladet: Terror Suspect Wrote on Twitter After Boston Bombings: Be Safe, Folks
- ASPI: ASPI suggests: Washington, DC edition (II)
- Muftah: Blogging the War: An Interview with John Little of the “Blogs of War”
- L'Express: Marketing et réseaux sociaux: la communication de pro des djihadistes de l'EIIL
- CNN: Soldier 'Bloggers' Report from War